Puzzles I've published elsewhere (most recent first)
- Oct. 4: Week #1 Puzzle - Boswords Fall Themeless League
- Aug. 26: 7xwords (with Susan Cowger)
- Jul. 17: Los Angeles Times Crossword
- Jul. 1: "Highballs" (with Matthew Stock) - Crosswords Club
- Jun. 1: 7xwords
- Mar. 26: "Kitty Corner" (with Brooke Husic) - USA Today (solution)
- Mar. 25: "Tossing and Turning" - Inkubator ($)
- Mar. 12: "Bottom Line" - USA Today (solution)
- Feb. 9: 7xwords
- Jan. 19: "Spill the Beans" - USA Today (solution)
- Dec. 28: "Split the Check" - USA Today (solution)
- Nov. 20: Themeless - Happy Little Puzzles
- Oct. 9: "Historical Figures" - Matt Gaffney's Weekly Crossword Contest (puz/pdf/solution)